Amali CSR bersihkan pantai

Amali CSR bersihkan pantai

Green Brunei News
SERIA, 24 Nov – Sekumpulan pelajar jurusan Sijil Kebangsaan Pendidikan Teknikal (NTec) dari Institut Pendidikan Teknikal Brunei Sekolah Vokasional Sultan Bolkiah (IBTE SVSB) telah menganjurkan Projek Bersih FBS yang diadakan di Pantai Peranginan Lumut hari ini. Ini merupakan sebahagian daripada penilaian teknikal Tanggungjawab Sosial Korporat (CSR) iaitu salah satu topik yang mereka pelajari di bawah Modul Kajian Asas Perniagaan (FBS). Semasa kempen tersebut, mereka dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan, dan ditugaskan di kawasan-kawasan yang berbeza untuk mengutip sampah-sarap di sepanjang kawasan persisiran pantai tersebut. Hadir selaku tetamu kehormat semasa kempen itu ialah Pengetua IBTE SVSB Awang Akandi bin Haji Abd Razak. Juga hadir pengasas Green Brunei, Khairunnisa Asy’ari wakil penaja dari Syarikat Pengiran Haji Mustapa bin Pengiran Haji Mat Salleh. Pelajar-pelajar IBTE SVSB Seria yang terlibat Projek FBS Bersih kelmarin.Selain sebagai…
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Lumut beach gets a cleanup

Green Brunei News
SOME 50 students from Institute of Brunei Technical Education Sekolah Vokasional Sultan Bolkiah (IBTE SVSB) campus yesterday held a beach cleanup campaign at Lumut Recreational Beach. Dubbed ‘Project FBS Clean’, the drive saw groups of students, who were accompanied by volunteers and instructors, assigned to different areas. Using gloves and carrying large plastic bags, they worked their way to rid the coastlines and beach of plastics and debris. Organised by the National Technical Education Certificate (NTEC) students from Business and Office Administration (BNA) programme, the campaign was part of their practical assessment under a module called Fundamental Business Study (FBS). One of the topics taught and assessed under the FBS programme is Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which discusses proposition of CSR to business organisations. “This environmental-focused programme is also part…
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ITB students participate in 3R race to promote environmental awareness

ITB students participate in 3R race to promote environmental awareness

Green Brunei News
STUDENTS from Institut Teknologi Brunei (ITB) and Green Brunei Alumni recently took part in an event to promote a cleaner environment – the 3Rs Race. The 3Rs event which stands for reduce, reuse, recycle, took place at the Agrotechnology Park. The top three winners were 5-Hijau, Green MVP and Mercy and prizes included three $25 Fleur De Lys vouchers, five $10 Coffee Bean vouchers and five $4 Ochado vouchers. According to participants Nurni’matul Syazwani, Ummi Fatin Aqilah and Rabiatul Zahidah, the event was challenging to organise but they were happy with the response and participation from the students. Khairunnisa Ash’Ari and Firdaus Ismail from Green Brunei were the advisors for the event. [caption id="attachment_898" align="aligncenter" width="650"] 5-Hijau receiving their prize for coming 1st place. – ITB[/caption] Source: Borneo Bulletin
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16 YSEALI alumni to meet President Obama in Kuala Lumpur

Green Brunei News
IXTEEN Bruneian youth who are alumni of the Young Southeast Asia Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) will have a chance to meet US President Barack Obama this Friday during a “town hall” dialogue in Kuala Lumpur. Obama will be in Kuala Lumpur for the ASEAN summit this weekend and will take time out to meet and answer questions from 500 youth representing the 10 ASEAN countries. “President Obama has made it a priority of his foreign policy to increase our engagement with Southeast Asia, particularly young people,” said Ben Rhodes, who serves as the White House deputy national security adviser and assistant to the president. “Our belief is that these are the future leaders of industry, civil society, and governance.” The YSEALI alumni will convene in Malaysia on Thursday, to kick off…
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Online Registration open for 2nd Green Race

Green Brunei News
GREEN Brunei is once again at the forefront of interactive events to promote environmental awareness by holding a second Green Race on December 13 at the Berakas Forest Reserve. Aimed at individuals aged between 15 and 25 years old, the race has opened its doors for online registration. The race is only open to 30 teams of four members. Interested applicants may register at and will be open until November 20. The race will feature multiple obstacles created to challenge and encourage participants to think outside the box and solve a variety of green-based problems with various resources and strategies to support the environment, sustainable commuting and healthy living. Youths will participate in fun and engaging green activities that will also help them recognise the benefits of using the…
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Registration opens for seconds Remarkable Green Race

Green Brunei News
REGISTRATIONS are now open for Brunei’s second Remarkable Green Race, a race with multiple obstacles created to challenge and encourage participants to think outside the box, with the aim of solving a variety of green-based problems with various resources and strategies to support the environment, sustainable commuting and healthy living. This year’s race will take place at the Berakas Forest Reserve on December 13. According to a press release from race organiser Green Brunei, registrations are open for individuals aged between 15 and 25 years old, with places available for 30 teams of four members at the cost of $25 per person. Interested applicants may register at, and will close on November 20. Through this event, the Green Brunei team hopes to develop cooperation between the participants, as well…
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‘Networking facilitates change’

Green Brunei News
YOUTH leaders in Brunei regard social gatherings and talks as platforms for seeking opportunities for collaborating with other agencies to conduct programmes and activities. They said attending invited talks isn’t only about meeting people but also creating opportunities for joint projects. In an interview with The Brunei Times during a talk held by global educator d’Arcy Lunn on the United Nations’ global goals, Izzah Zakaria of non-governmental organisation Green Brunei said having sharing sessions is ‘good’ as youth can learn about the other organisation better. “Beyond that (attending the talk), we’re meeting all these people from organisations that we can learn from; what they’ve done that we can do with our organisation,” she said. She said there’s a lot more than just learning from speakers in a talk. There is…
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Maktab Duli holds last recycling drive for this year

Maktab Duli holds last recycling drive for this year

Green Brunei News
DULI Pengiran Muda Al-Muhtadee Billah College (Maktab Duli) last week held its last recycling drive for the year. The school’s Green Council, a group of students that carry out the green initiatives of the school, hosts a recycling drive three times a year. The objective of the recycling drive is to encourage conscious recycling habits around the campus and the home. By encouraging recycling, everyday waste such as paper, plastic and aluminium cans are disposed of appropriately. Maktab Duli is also participat­ing in Green Brunei’s Eco Drive 2015 where the total amount of recyclables was submitted to Green Brunei for their records. [caption id="attachment_910" align="aligncenter" width="650"] The school’s Green Council, a group of students that carry out the green initiatives of the school, hosts a recycling drive three times a…
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Green Brunei concludes leadership camp

Green Brunei News
NON-GOVERNMENT organisation (NGO) Green Brunei concluded its third Green Leaders Camp on Wednesday with a certificate presentation and closing ceremony at the Marine Biodiversity Centre in Meragang. Themed ‘Protecting the Marine Ecosystem from the Impacts of Climate Change’, the event was attended by Mahmud Hj Yussof, chief executive officer of the Heart of Borneo Centre and head of the Biodiversity Research and Innovation Centre (BioRIC), as the guest of honour. He also presented certificates of completion to 31 participants between 17-26 years old from various higher education institutions. The four-day camp was held from September 20-23 and was sponsored by the Heart of Borneo Centre, which is under the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR), Singapore, Seri Bumi Consultant, Suci Mas Company and Boustead Sendirian Berhad. The camp…
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Green Brunei concludes leadership camp

Green Brunei News
NON-GOVERNMENT organisation (NGO) Green Brunei concluded its third Green Leaders Camp on Wednesday with a certificate presentation and closing ceremony at the Marine Biodiversity Centre in Meragang. Themed ‘Protecting the Marine Ecosystem from the Impacts of Climate Change’, the event was attended by Mahmud Hj Yussof, chief executive officer of the Heart of Borneo Centre and head of the Biodiversity Research and Innovation Centre (BioRIC), as the guest of honour. He also presented certificates of completion to 31 participants between 17-26 years old from various higher education institutions. The four-day camp was held from September 20-23 and was sponsored by the Heart of Borneo Centre, which is under the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR), Singapore, Seri Bumi Consultant, Suci Mas Company and Boustead Sendirian Berhad. The camp…
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