Mitsubishi Corporation Leads Successful Community Development Project in Brunei Darussalam

Mitsubishi Corporation Leads Successful Community Development Project in Brunei Darussalam

Green Brunei News
Mitsubishi Corporation, through its Brunei Liaison Office, spearheaded a transformative community development initiative in Kampong Ayer that took part for the entire month of November, providing essential support to local communities of the water village and fostering environmental stewardship. The project, conducted in collaboration with Green Brunei and supported by Ministry of Home Affairs and the Youth Development Centre, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, showcased the commitment of Mitsubishi Corporation to making a positive impact on the communities. Yang Berhormat Dato Seri Setia Awang Haji Ahmaddin bin Haji Abdul Rahman, Minister of Home Affairs, attended as the Guest of Honour. Accompanying him was His Excellency MAEDA Toru, the Ambassador of Japan to Brunei Darussalam, and Members of the Legislative Council. During the event, Tadashi Hara, the Country Representative of…
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Launching of the Boardwalk Repair work

Launching of the Boardwalk Repair work

Green Brunei News
In an effort to improve the safety and livelihood of the community of Kampong Sungai Pandan and its surroundings, a Social Development Project is currently undergoing its second activity, which involves boardwalk repair in Kampong Sungai Pandan. The project is an initiative by Mitsubishi Corporation Brunei Liaison Office in collaboration with Green Brunei and the Ministry of Home Affairs. The project is expected to run for one month, focusing on the repair of 150 metres of boardwalk around Balai Ibadat Kampong Sungai Pandan and the jetty. This initiative aims to enhance the infrastructure of the area, ensuring the safety and convenience of the residents and visitors. To mark the commencement of the repair work, a special ceremony was held in Kampong Sungai Pandan. Among the esteemed guests were Awang Raimi bin…
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Kg Ayer River Clean Up In Conjunction With EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Week

Kg Ayer River Clean Up In Conjunction With EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Week

Green Brunei News
Over 130 volunteers ranging from village heads, students,government officials from the Brunei-Muara District Office, Health Promotion Centre and Fireand Rescue Department joined forces today to clean the Brunei River. The event organised by Green Brunei is part of the EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Week, whichis part of the annual EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Weeks global campaigned launched by theEuropean Union and its Member States to spark conversations and inspire action for theenvironment. The event also involved a speech by His Excellency Sujiro Seam, the Ambassador of theEuropean Union to ASEAN. In his speech, His Excellency highlighted the importance of cleanriver to the environment and economy. Ten events are taking place in ASEAN countries aspart of the EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Weeks 2023. These events are encouraging youthsand local communities to actively engage in…
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EU-ASEAN Youth Conference Unveils a Two-Day Journey Into Sustainable Urban Development

EU-ASEAN Youth Conference Unveils a Two-Day Journey Into Sustainable Urban Development

Green Brunei News
Two Bruneian Delegates, Hjh Siti Norfarwizah Hj Mohd Ja'afar from Kilang ReRoot ( and Muhammad Hazmie Hj Piut from Green Brunei (@greenbrunei) spent their weekend in Bangkok, Thailand on the 31st March-1st April to attend a 2-day program of the EU-ASEAN Youth Conference on Sustainable Urban Development. The 2 representatives went to the conference with their experiences in organizing projects that are environmentally sustainable to share outlooks with other ASEAN-EU youth representatives during the program. The first day began with a sharing session in which youth representatives from ASEAN and EU discussed their respective organizations, followed by a panel discussion on unleashing the potential of young people in promoting sustainable urban development, in the afternoon. During the panel, EU-ASEAN youth representatives engaged with policymakers and practitioners to explore how young…
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Community Spreading Joy To 100 children

Community Spreading Joy To 100 children

Green Brunei News
Green Brunei in collaboration with Projek #INFAQ1 and supported by the staff of Management Services Division, Prime Minister’s Office conducted a sungkai distribution initiative for the children of Kampong Bolkiah A and B. Volunteers prepared meals consisting of burgers, packed rice and drinks, which were distributed to 100 children from the two villages, together with sets of goodies.  The initiative was conducted to spread the joy of giving and to provide the socioeconomically disadvantaged  families with meals to break their fast and to lessen their burden during the holy month of Ramadhan. In addition to the sungkai meals, goodies and toys were also given away to the children.
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Public invited to recycle with Green Depot

Public invited to recycle with Green Depot

Green Brunei News
Green Depot’s Recycling Drive at Silver Jubilee Park saw 123.14 kilogrammes (kg) of recyclables collected. Items that were received comprised of cardboard, used paper, and e-waste such as TVs, monitors and ovens.  The Recycling Drive aims to educate the public of proper waste management while also supporting the Brunei National Climate Change Secretariat's (BCCS) efforts in reducing municipal waste by 1kg per person in a day by 2035. The goal of this event is to encourage people to recycle and reduce the volume of solid waste in landfills. Green Depot, a project under Green Brunei, aims to contribute to the vision and objective of the nation to transition towards a zero waste lifestyle. 
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250 Saplings Planted To Fight Climate Change

Green Brunei News
Some 250 dipterocarp saplings were planted on Saturday, making a total of 507 trees planted under the Environmental Education Project this year.The tree planting event, organised by Green Brunei in collaboration with Mitsubishi Corporation (Brunei Liaison Office) and Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd, aimed to promote awareness on climate change as well as provide youth with the opportunity to be directly involved in efforts to achieve a low carbon and climate-resilient future.Over 100 volunteers comprising students from institutions as well as the public participated in the event, supported by the Forestry Department, and the Ministry of Primary Resources and Tourism.The Environmental Educational Project’s goal is to develop youth who are well-equipped with knowledge of climate change and to instil awareness and appreciation for natural resources. Other activities under the…
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Raising Environmental Awareness

Green Brunei News
The third Environmental Education Project began with the planting of 257 trees at the Berakas Forest Reserve yesterday. The project, organised by Green Brunei in cooperation with Mitsubishi Corporation (Brunei Liaison Office) and Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn Bhd (BSP), aims to raise public awareness of climate change while offering the public a platform to reduce its impacts. Deputy Minister of the Department of Energy at the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) Dato Seri Paduka Awang Haji Matsatejo bin Sokiaw led some 150 participants to plant saplings at the forest reserve’s Biodiversity Park. Also present were Ambassador of Japan to Brunei Darussalam Maeda Toru, Permanent Secretary of the Department of Energy at the PMO Haji Azhar bin Haji Yahya, Deputy Permanent Secretary (Core Education) at the Ministry of Education Aliuddin bin…
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Keep Beaches Clean And Fun, Says Malaysian Envoy

Keep Beaches Clean And Fun, Says Malaysian Envoy

Green Brunei News
Keep beaches clean so the public and future generations can enjoy its beauty in safety, urged the Malaysian High Commissioner to Brunei Darussalam Dato’ Raja Reza bin Raja Zaib Shah during a cleaning campaign at Muara Beach yesterday. “There are people who do not pay attention to the cleanliness of the beach and leave garbage everywhere, including the sea, which washes back up on the beach,” said the high commissioner. “A clean beach will certainly be the focus for recreation and picnics, and as well as an attraction for anglers and visitors who want to enjoy the beautiful scenery, especially during sunset,” he said. The clean-up programme is only a temporary solution to the problem of beach cleanliness, said the high commissioner, adding he hoped that the programme can be…
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Supporting Youth In Sustainability Goals

Supporting Youth In Sustainability Goals

Green Brunei News
Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam (BIBD) highlighted local youth-led organisations who are taking action on climate change at the recent National Youth Day celebrations held at the International Convention Centre (ICC) in Berakas. BIBD’s Chief Marketing Officer and Chair of the Sustainability Transformation Group Hajah Nurul Akmar binti Haji Mohd Jaafar said, “As a partner in progress for a sustainable future, the bank regularly works with government and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) whose goals and values align closely with ours. Green Brunei, a youth-led platform to promote environmental sustainability through education, conservation and advocacy, also showcased their tree-planting activities as part of its commitment to mitigate the effects of deforestation. According to Green Brunei, mature trees are able to absorb up to 22 kilogrammes of CO2 – with up to one metric…
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