Over 130 volunteers ranging from village heads, students,
government officials from the Brunei-Muara District Office, Health Promotion Centre and Fire
and Rescue Department joined forces today to clean the Brunei River.
The event organised by Green Brunei is part of the EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Week, which
is part of the annual EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Weeks global campaigned launched by the
European Union and its Member States to spark conversations and inspire action for the
The event also involved a speech by His Excellency Sujiro Seam, the Ambassador of the
European Union to ASEAN. In his speech, His Excellency highlighted the importance of clean
river to the environment and economy. Ten events are taking place in ASEAN countries as
part of the EU-ASEAN Green Diplomacy Weeks 2023. These events are encouraging youths
and local communities to actively engage in green transition activities. The EU-ASEAN Green
Diplomacy Weeks 2023 show the European Union commitment to continue working together
with ASEAN towards a greener future and to encourage individuals, communities and
organisations to take strong action in the future to protect, preserve and restore our
environment for now and for future generations.
A total of 95 plastic bags, weighing over 1356.50kg were collected during the event from
various zones in Kampong Ayer, including Kampong Siamas, Kampong Setia, Kampong Saba
Darat, Kampong Sungai Kebun and Kampong Bakut Berumput. Amongst the collected trash
were zinc roofs, diapers, plastic bottles, plastic containers, refrigerator door, bicycles, tyres,
styrofoam and sofa bedding.

After the cleanup event, the volunteers also engaged in active discussions to learn about the
European Union initiatives on environment, as well their reflection on the cleanup. The
volunteers expressed having better awareness and understanding of the scale of the waste
management problem in Kampong Ayer.
The event was supported by the Department of Environment, Parks and Recreation, Ministry
of Development; Public Works Department, Ministry of Development; Happy Environment and
Lifestyle Programme under the Health Promotion Centre, Ministry of Health, Abraco
Development and Volunteer and First Aid Support Team (VFAST).